Children’s Ministry

Central Kids Summer Ministry is designed for the children of our church, their friends and our Day School families from the completion of 1st through Fifth Grade (this past school year). Younger children are welcome if accompanied by a parent.
Our purpose is to provide a variety of summer activities to help children grow in their faith and love of God. We want each child to realize that they are precious to Jesus Christ and His church.
Get ready to have a summer full of Fun!
Here’s what’s in store:
Our Tuesday hours will be from 8:30am until 5:00pm.
Tuesday, June 11: Lazy 5 Ranch
We will be heading down to the Ranch to enjoy a wagon ride through exhibits to feed the animals! We will then head over to Dan Nichols park to play Mini Golf, ride the train, and carousel. Cost for the day is $20.
Tuesday, June 25: Reed Gold Mine
Have you ever panned for real gold? Don’t miss out on the chance! We will get to explore a gold mine shaft, see a stamp mill and more! We will return for some fun and games to end a day! Cost for the day is $20.
Friday, July 12 & Saturday, July 13: VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL
(Friday - 6 PM - 8:30 PM | Saturday - 9 AM - 11:30 AM | snacks provided)
Come join us for an Aussie adventure, where kids will explore God’s monumental love and discover what it means to have an unshakable faith! No cost.
Tuesday, July 23: Velocity 360 Fun Zone
We will be heading to High Point for an afternoon of trampolines, climbing, and just a lot of fun! We will come back to the church for some more fun and activities. Cost for the day is $30.
Tuesday, August 6: Hagan Stone Park
We will head back to our favorite spot last summer! A day at the pool, playground and hiking! Cost is $20.
Tuesday, August 20: Mount Shepherd
Let’s finish our summer fun with a bang! Be ready to climb the wall, slide down the water slide, and tackle the iceberg. Cost is $25.
To Register:
Registrations are being accepted now so don’t delay!! To register, turn in your completed form along with the $20 registration fee, and a $10.00 deposit for “each” event (excluding VBS) by Friday, May 31st. Forms are available at the church office and at This event is open to children in the 1st grade thru 5th (this school year).
If you have any questions call or text Allyson Phillips at 336-465-9155 or email [email protected].
We have “limited space” for all events! Please sign up as soon as possible!
Late registration is available only as space allows.
Please bring a bag lunch for all events.
Storm Plan: In case of rain, we will continue the activities and fun back at the church.